Centre d'action bénévole de Montréal (bilingual)
2015, rue Drummond, Suite 300 (corner of Maisonneuve, Métro Peel)
Montréal, QC, H3G 1W7
Contact : 514-842-3351; info@cabm.net
Website: www.cabm.net
It offers volunteer recruitment and referral services, training workshops for volunteer resource managers, organizes volunteer fairs, and provides support to a network of seventy Meals on Wheels and Community Lunch groups.
Centraide of Greater Montreal (bilingual)
493, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, QC, H3A 1B6
Contact : 514-288-1261; communications@centraide-mtl.org
Website: www.centraide-mtl.org
Centraide supports community agencies in the neighbourhoods and districts of Laval, Montreal Island and the South Shore, in order to help people in a situation of poverty and social exclusion. Each area is studied thoroughly to identify local needs and to determine how local social actors pool their efforts to meet these needs.
Société de St-Vincent-de-Paul de Montréal (bilingual)
1930, rue de Champlain
Montréal, QC, H2L 2S8
Contact: Pierrette Moisan, 514-526-5937; permanence@ssvp-mtl.org
Website: www.ssvp-mtl.org
Implemented in the Montreal/Laval/L’Assomption region, the Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul's mission is to provide help to any person in a difficult situation, regardless of language, culture or religion. Founded on the actions of our volunteers and their desire to create meaningful relationships, our interventions aim to lend an ear as well as a hand and companionship to our community’s most vulnerable individuals, through our food assistance, stay-in-school or social integration programs or through an access to basic material necessities.
Collective Community Services - C.C.S. (bilingual)
1857 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal, QC, H3H 1J9
Contact : 514-937-5351; info@ccs-montreal.org
Website: www.ccs-montreal.org
Our goal is simple: impact the lives of those experiencing difficulties and stresses in a significant, positive way, and encourage self-empowerment in all those in need of support. We also invite you to join in our efforts as a volunteer, and develop your skills while lending a valuable helping hand. For children, youth and families, seniors, people living with HIV/AIDS.