• Parish Resources

Faith Education


Faith Education

The Office for Faith Education proposes in this section reference documents related to faith education, to the catechumenate as well as a Request Form for Minister of Confirmation, for the use of members of the pastoral teams, including parish catechetical leaders.

The family is a proclamation of faith in that it is the natural place in which faith can be lived in a simple and spontaneous manner.  (…) Christian initiation is more profound: the awakening of the sense of God; the first steps in prayer; education of the moral conscience; formation in the Christian sense of human love, understood as a reflection of the love of God the Father, the Creator.  (Source: Directory for Catechesis, 2020, # 227)



In light of this call from Pope Francis, we have prepared resources for you, dear parents, to accompany your child on the way to initiation into the sacraments: Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation!

You are not left on your own! The pastor and his parish pastoral team are there to accompany and guide you, especially the parish catechetical leaders and the catechists.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Module

Sacrament of the Eucharist Module

PCL/Catechist Document for At Home Preparation for First Communion

Part 1 Parent/Catechist: https://indd.adobe.com/view/234294d4-5611-4738-a480-3af752e14554

Part 2 Activities Parent/Child: https://indd.adobe.com/view/453cf6b0-68e9-453d-a35e-0dc77620bef9

Part 3 The Mass:  https://indd.adobe.com/view/ef761574-e116-4456-b289-d3f59f7a83a7

Part 4, Family Ritual: https://indd.adobe.com/view/d1ebc5f2-7c4e-4d1d-8ca7-e96ebbbe5c23

Part 5 Printables

Module of the Sacrament of Confirmation

To come up

Video: « Walking with the Holy Spirit”

Are you drawn to the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Would you like to learn more about the lives of people who are empowered by the Holy Spirit?
This video is for you: youth, families, parishes, Catholic schools!

At Mary Queen of the World Cathedral, Archbishop Christian Lépine accompanies a young candidate for Confirmation through the faith history of Montreal. A city founded by a constellation of people acting under the influence of the Holy Spirit and wishing to make God's love known!

A short animation document accompanies this video, if needed.

Click here to read '' When the Holy Spirit gets involved..." A reflection by Denis Bérubé, Assistant to the Director of the Office for Faith Education - 

Upcoming Resources

Visio Divina >

For any questions relating to Catechumenate, please contact:

Service for Evangelization and Christian Life
Tél. : 514-925-4300 poste 272

Please find below the Request Form for Minister of Confirmation. Please complete and forward it. Your request will be processed and followed up with you by a member of the Office for Faith Education, including:

Rosetta Staltari
Tél. : 514-925-4300, ext. 257

Complete the registration form here


List of Ordinary Ministers for the Sacrament of Confirmation

Active Ministers -  September 23 2024

Mgr Christian Lépine
Mgr Robert Harris

Episcopal Vicars:
Père Harry Celestin, C.S.V.
Fr. Raymond Lafontaine
Père Pierangelo Paternieri, C.S.
M. François Charette
P. Jean-Marie Bilwala
P. Médard Mbay Kwango
M. Charles Langlois, PSS, V.G.

Other Ministers:
M. Jorge Humberto Pacheco Rojas, PSS  


On April 23 and 24, 2022, we gathered at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral to celebrate Holy Spirit Day. One of the activities consisted in the composition of a prayer by the confirmands, and the role of their sponsors was to help them compose the prayer. We then asked them to send us their prayers and we received hundreds of them! We knew that we had to do something with these prayers, so the ODEF team decided to create a Slide Show of some of them so that they could be shared with the Church.