Invitation to live the Ordinary Jubilee of the Holy Year 2025
The Archbishop of Montreal, Christian Lépine, invites all the faithful to participate fully in the Holy Year 2025, proclaimed under the theme Spes non confundit (Hope does not disappoint).
Diocesan Celebration of the 33rd World Day of the Sick 2025
“Hope does not disappoint.”
Saturday, February 8, 2025
St. Isaac-Jogues Parish | 1335 Chabanel Street East, Montreal
Extending the deadline for charitable donations to 2024: an opportunity to support Church works
The Government of Canada recently announced its intention to extend the deadline for charitable donations from 2024 to February 28, 2025. This decision is intended to mitigate the impact of the recent postal service disruption and allow donors to support charities with peace of mind.
World Day of the Sick 2025: "Hope Does Not Disappoint"
On February 11, 2025, we celebrate the 33rd World Day of the Sick, an opportunity for prayer, reflection, and solidarity with those who are ill and their caregivers.
Here is the list of different Newsletters published by the Offices and Services of the Archdiocese of Montreal. You can subscribe at any time for one or more mailing lists, depending on your interests.
The following is a list of clergy and lay personnel who have been appointed by the Archbishop during the current year. In these publications, French or English respects the language of the official letter of appointment
Here is the list of the most recent press releases that the Catholic Church in Montreal has published.
All baptized in the death and resurrection of Christ, some were called to follow and serve the Lord with the gift of their lives. Ministers of the Word, of the Eucharist and of reconciliation, they were deacons or priests to feed the flock that the Shepherd had entrusted to them.
Let them now enter into the joy of their Master and Lord.