L’Arche Montréal
6105, rue Jogues, Montréal, QC, H4E 2W2
Contact: 514-761-7307; info@larche-montreal.org
Website: http://www.larche-montreal.org
L'Arche-Montréal is a community of life shared with people with intellectual disabilities. Member of the Fédération internationale des communautés de l'Arche, founded by Jean Vanier.
SEMO L’Étape (physical and hearing impairment)
1001, rue de Maisonneuve Est, bureau 527, Montréal, QC, H2L 4P9
Contact : Voice: 514 526-0887. Bell Relay Service: 1 800 855-0511. ATS: 514 526-6126
And 1435, boul. St-Martin Ouest, bureau 400, Laval, Qc, H7S 2C6
Contact : Voice: 450 667-9999. Bell Relay Service: 1 800 855-0511. ATS : 450 667-5924
Website: http://www.letape.org
Assists people with physical disabilities, as well as people who are deaf or hard of hearing, in their efforts to integrate into the labour market.
Multi-ethnic Association for the Integration of persons with disabilities (AMEIPH) (Bilingual)
6462 Saint-Laurent Blvd, Montreal, QC, H2S 3C4
Contact: 514-272-0680; 1-866-318-0680; Toll-free : 1-866-318-0680 ameiph@ameiph.com
Website: http://www.ameiph.com/p>
Bring together people with disabilities from immigrant and ethnocultural communities and their families, regardless of age, limitation, or status, to assist them in their integration and full participation in society.
Facilitates the social integration and breaks the isolation of persons with disabilities
and offers individual and collective services.
TDAH Québec
The TDAH Québec website is independent and non-profit. Created by a Quebec physician, it is aimed at the general public, including people of all ages with an attention deficiency and their families and friends. In addition to providing quality information, this website provides access to several resources to better understand and live with ADHD on a daily basis. Support groups.
L’Abri en Ville
2352 rue Duvernay, Montréal, QC, H3J 2X1
Contact: 514-932-2199; info@labrienville.org
Website: http://www.labrienville.org
Our mission at L’Abri en Ville is to provide a stable and fulfilling environment for persons with a mental illness through safe, affordable housing and inclusion in a community that supports their social, material and spiritual needs.
Maison Nazareth House (bilingual)
1197 Seymour Ave., Montreal, QC, H3H 2A4
Contact: 514-933-6916; nazareth.house1@bell.net
Website: www.nazarethcommunity.com
The Nazareth community remains committed to providing an environment that welcomes the forgotten, promotes the social reintegration of marginalized people, and encourages everyone to discover their potential.
Maison Anne’s House – Communauté Nazareth Community
1197 Seymour Ave., Montreal, QC, H3H 2A4
Contact: 514-933-6916; nazareth.house1@bell.ne
Website: http://www.nazarethcommunity.com
Anne’s House is for women who have also struggled with homelessness, mental distress and social isolation.
Apartment rental with upkeep, meals, laundry and medication-dispensing for outpatients referred by hospitals and other psychiatric institutions.
Interventions to the homeless and HIV/AIDS clients.
AMI Quebec – Action on Mental Illness (bilingual)
5800 Boul. Décarie, Montreal, QC, H3X 2J5
Contact : 514-486-1448; 1-877-303-0264; info@amiquebec.org
Website: http://www.amiquebec.org
AMI-Quebec is a community organization that helps families manage the effects of mental illness through support, education, guidance, and advocacy. Most programs are free.
Project P.A.L. – Alternative resource in mental health (bilingual)
861 De l’Église Street, Verdun, QC, H4G 2N3
Contact: 514-767-4701. projet.pal@rocler.qc.ca
Website: http://www.projetpal.com
Project P.A.L. is a bilingual non-profit resource which offers:
- individual empowerment and building of self-esteem;
- development and support of affordable housing and ongoing community follow-up;
- defending rights at the local, provincial and federal levels of government;
- building strong social networks and mutual aid;
- development of personal skills and abilities through different courses.
Projet PAL offers permanent and transitory housing with community support services that enable short and long-term integration into the community.