• Archdiocese

Philanthropic Development Service


The Philanthropic Development Service seeks to find innovative ways to develop financial support for the diocese of Montreal over the short, medium and long terms.

We are committed to the development of financing for parishes as well as the Archdiocese of Montreal through four strategies:

  • Annual Diocesan Fundraising Campaign: serves to finance diocesan offices and services.
  • Collaboration with the current capital campaign for parishes: to finance top-priority diocesan projects.
  • Planned Giving: to plan long term financial support for the Diocese (bequests, life insurance, equity gifts, etc.)
  • Coaching for parishes to support them with their approach to financing (collection, tithing, fundraising campaigns, bequests, etc.)


Jeanne Folly - Director of Philanthropy
Tel.: (514) 925-4300, ext. 217