• Archdiocese



Fourth Bishop and second Archbishop of Montreal
Paul Bruchési

1922-1939  Coadjutor Bishop, Georges Gauthier

1939-1940  Fifth Bishop and third Archbishop of Montreal, Georges Gauthier

Mgr Paul Bruchési 
Archbishop Paul Bruchési was known for his keen intelligence, openness of mind, eloquence and love for the Church. He erected 63 parishes and published several decrees and pastoral letters, including on justice, workers’ condition, peace and marriage.

1904  Foundation of St. Joseph’s Oratory

1910  20th International Eucharistic Congress

1919  Autonomy status for the University of Montreal ad experimentum

Mgr Georges Gauthier
Archbishop Gauthier’s tenure was very brief (one year). As Archbishop Bruchési’s coadjutor for 18 years, he knew the diocese well and proved to be a very wise shepherd with uncommon oratory talents. He was interested in the education of young girls. From 1920 to 1923, as president of the University of Montreal, he established a Faculty of Literature, a Faculty of Science and the École des sciences sociales, économiques et politiques. Socially, he was one of the first proponents of Catholic trade unions. As an Archbishop, he erected 37 parishes, welcomed 17 religious communities and canonically erected four.

1924  Final independence of the University of Montreal

1927  Collège André-Grasset

1929  Externat classique Sainte-Croix

Religious communities created here:
1923  Sisters of Notre Dame du Bon Conseil
1925  Société des missions étrangères
1929  Oblates franciscaines de Saint-Joseph
1929  Filles réparatrices du Sacré-Coeur