Following Pope Francis's announcement declaring 2021 a special year dedicated to St. Joseph, Christians around the world are rejoicing in celebration of the man who was foster father to Jesus. Below you will find some projects and activities to help you live and celebrate this special year dedicated to the Patron Saint of Workers.

With his Apostolic Letter “Patris corde” (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis marks the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St. Joseph as Patron Saint of the Universal Church. To observe the occasion, the Holy Father has proclaimed a “Year of Saint Joseph” from December 8, 2020, to December 8, 2021. Click below to read the article.
In this special year dedicated to St. Joseph, the Archdiocese of Montreal is preparing a series of short testimonial videos on the theme: The Year of St. Joseph through the eyes of ... These witnesses will share an aspect of St. Joseph reflected in their own lives and share with us how he helps them to live in God’s presence as they carry out their respective jobs and responsibilities.

Pope Francis releases a message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, and urges all religious and clergy to look to St. Joseph as a model of unreserved fidelity to God’s invitation to service.
In the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde (With a Father’s Heart), Pope Francis identifies the extraordinary attributes of St. Joseph as a “beloved, tender and loving, obedient, accepting, creatively-courageous, working father hidden in the shadows.” (cf. No 1-7). The CCCB has prepared a series of guided reflections on each of the seven attributes and the novena and Act of Entrustment to Saint Joseph. They may be used by individuals who wish to focus on only one or two of the attributes from home or in groups gathered in person or online.

St. Joseph's Oratory also offers songs, prayers, articles, webinars and other resources. Their page will be updated throughout the year