To be a reference point for all forms of consecrated life and religious vocations in the Archdiocese of Montreal.
To support the archbishop in fulfilling his responsibilities towards individuals and institutes of consecrated life. To promote and enhance Consecrated Life in all its different forms, and its specific contribution to the life of the universal and local Church.
- To encourage dialogue and collaboration among consecrated life groups and individual members, as well as with the archdiocese as a whole;
- To stimulate their interest and active participation in the life of the archdiocese;
- To offer them opportunities for renewal and encounter;
- To provide support for various groups and individuals committed to consecrated life, we offer assistance upon request for their specific circumstances (including discernment and processes of restructuring), as well as assistance for the challenges they face;
- To promote the various charisms in the service of society and the pastoral life of the diocese.
- To welcome, listen to and guide people in search of their vocation.
- To respond daily to requests for information about places of retreat and renewal.
- To be present at foundation anniversaries, canonization celebrations, funerals, etc.
Today, the term consecrated life refers to any person or group of persons who are entirely devoted to the cause of Christ and the Gospel.
Traditionally, the consecrated life includes the following: the apostolic, monastic and missionary life, secular institutes, societies of apostolic life, the Order of Consecrated Virgins and the anchoritic or hermit life. Today, the consecrated life also includes consecrated widows and consecrated persons belonging to "ecclesial movements" and "new communities."
Every form of consecrated life originates with a call from God, awakening in the one who hears it the desire to let his or her life be filled with God and with his Love, and to follow Christ and be a witness of this Love in the world.
The consecrated life may be lived in solitude or in community. The vocation may also take the form of a task or purpose in the world or in the Church, as a response to the needs of one's times, in association with the particular charism of a given community and faithful to the spirit of its founder.
Religious communities (contemplative or apostolic) (French only)
Secular institutes (French only)
Consecrated Virgins (French only)
New forms of consecrated life (French only)
Lay persons associated with religious institutes or monasteries (French only)
Societies of apostolic life
The priests, brothers or sisters of societies of apostolic life are not religious in the sense of being under vows, but do live in community. These societies are mainly defined by their apostolic task or mission, rather than by their way of life.
These men and women (often religious having undergone the requisite testing) require inward and outward separation from the world, the better to declare that one lives for God alone.
Living a life of silence and solitude, prayer and penance, they publicly profess the evangelical counsels in the hands of a bishop.
Consecrated widows
The consecration of widows is embraced once again in our day as it was in the days of the apostles. Taking a vow of perpetual chastity, these widows consecrate themselves in their condition to give themselves to prayer and in service to the Church.
To learn more (French only):
Carrefour intervocationnel :
Grand séminaire de Montréal :
Avance au large :
Camino :
Canadian Religious Conference (in English):
Upcoming events:
- Diocesan celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life - Saturday, February 1, 2025
Past events:
- Summer picnic in a park (to be defined) - June 22, 2024
- Diocesan celebration of JMC - February 3, 2024
When Consecrated Life Embraces Faithfulness | Diocese of Montreal (
- Pilgrimage "Walking together with Saint Kateri" - September 23, 2023
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Better knowledge for better service:
- Creating bonds of mutual knowledge and trust with people of consecrated life, to enhance their specific charisma in the service of the local church.
Le bien caché dans la cité (in collaboration with Mission Jeunesse) (French only):
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Office for Consecrated Life
Sr. Jacqueline Tchamgbade, SNDT- Co-Directrice
Tel.: (514) 925-4300, ext. 288
Madame Donatella Fiorani - Co-Director
Tel.: (514) 925-4300, ext. 289
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Advisory committee: made up of people from different forms of consecrated life to analyze needs together and make informed decisions. Offices et services of the Archdiocese of Montreal |
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Fondation Lucien Labelle Accueil ( |
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Mission chez Nous Accueil - Mission chez nous | Solidarité chrétienne avec les peuples autochtones |
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Canadian Religious Conference Canadian Religious Conference | CRC-SRC ( |
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Carrefour Inter vocationnel Accueil ( |
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Grand séminaire Accueil || GRAND SÉMINAIRE ( |
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Camino Camino - groupe de discernement vocationnel intercommunautaire ( |
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The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life ( |