• Archdiocese

On a Mission - 2020



The Catholic Church of Montreal launches its new digital campaign

"On a Mission”

The Catholic Church of Montreal launches its completely new digital campaign On a Mission on Facebook and Instagram. The campaign On a Mission features four people on a mission dedicated to meet the great responsibility of serving and nurturing the spiritual life and love in the respective spheres of family, work, society and the Church.

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Indeed, despite the trying circumstances, these individuals have made and are continuing to make a difference in their communities. They have found new ways to offer support and foster solidarity in the mission, as they rekindle hope through their commitment throughout this time of crisis. Archbishop Lépine wrote in his pastoral letter entitled ”Jesus is knocking at the door of our heart” (March 2020): ”Pope Francis has asked us to reach out to those on the periphery.

The crisis through which we are now living can be embraced as an opportunity to learn how to do just that. It can be seen as an opportunity to re-evaluate how reachable we are, how available we are, and how well we respond to our neighbours' needs.”

Current circumstances have in fact led many stakeholders in the Catholic Church of Montreal (pastors, deacons, pastoral teams, pastoral councils, churchwardens, parish staff, ministry coordinators, volunteers and the faithful) to mobilize, commit and support. The way we engage in the mission might vary, but the mission remains the same.

“The doors of our hearts were never closed. Now, the doors of our churches are open also […although…] the number of faithful congregating is limited […] The Church beckons and assists us in focusing on beauty and love, truth and goodness. Although not everything depends on us, each of us has his or her role to play,” as Archbishop Lépine wrote in his most recent letter: Under the `new normal.’

The Church is still On a Mission, and to help us continue on it, we ask for your support.

To visit the campaign Web page or to make a donation, please click here. Donate here