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Prayer Requests




Intercessory prayer is one of the most frequent forms of prayer. In the Gospel Jesus tell us; “Ask and you shall receive…”. In this section, you are invited to share your prayer intentions. They will be conveyed to the cloistered community of the Recluses missionnaires de Montréal, who are committed to carrying them in their contemplative prayers, every day!

We also invite you to pray for one another’s intentions! Do not hesitate to support your neighbor through prayer, while indicating that you are praying for them.  Simply click on the “pray” icon to let them know of your support!


Prayer 2020-07-12 0:43:47

I pray that my family and I will be protected from the coronavirus. Please also pray for my healing and I pray that God will improve my financial situation.

Prayer 2020-07-02 19:06:28

Prayer that I will stop worrying. Prayer that I will be able to pay all of my debts.

Prayer 2020-07-01 8:25:35

In the name of Jesus Christ I plead you will bind and remove all evil and homewrekers from my marriage and union my husband has been having an affair for 3 years. I plead this will end and he will return to me. My job is also in danger I pray to keep my current job or lord help me find a job I am supposed to be at. With your shed blood of Christ and the protection of the holy angels please hear me

Prayer 2020-06-28 22:44:56

I would like to pray for the healing, and recovery of my father in law, Mr. Pedro Alcantara. He is in the ICU right now and in critical condition. May the good Lord grant him healing.

Prayer 2020-06-27 12:04:49

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I would like prayers to find a job in a media library in Brittany, to succeed in my territorial competition, to restore my marriage and be surrounded by loving and caring people. May we never divorce, Lord, and let me speak of Your plan for us! Let me tell you about my aunt and accept my testimony and ministry !! May my family be reconciled.

Prayer 2020-06-25 20:15:19

without her cooking he's lost alot of weight. st. joseph patron of the dying please embrace them both. our lady of consolation console them and they who pray for them. amen. thank you for your prayers and caring.
my constant temptations subside.