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Prayer Requests




Intercessory prayer is one of the most frequent forms of prayer. In the Gospel Jesus tell us; “Ask and you shall receive…”. In this section, you are invited to share your prayer intentions. They will be conveyed to the cloistered community of the Recluses missionnaires de Montréal, who are committed to carrying them in their contemplative prayers, every day!

We also invite you to pray for one another’s intentions! Do not hesitate to support your neighbor through prayer, while indicating that you are praying for them.  Simply click on the “pray” icon to let them know of your support!


Prayer 2023-05-29 3:00:23

Please pray for our marriage and that my wife returns to the fiaht. Please pray that Jesus alleviates my suffering and stops punishing me.
Thank You.

Prayer 2023-05-28 9:50:12

Lord bless my house and work place and protected from any invisible enemies amen

Prayer 2023-05-26 21:54:27

I pray to pass my road test for my drivers license.

Prayer 2023-05-25 15:22:59

Please pray for Robert Cletus Driscoll (Deceased) Please pray for hi eternal rest.
He was known as Bobby. Drug took his life. Drug are a cruel master. It destroys all that it touch.
May God have mercy on Bobby!!!

Prayer 2023-05-23 14:02:50

Our heavenly father I here pray for Jose ´s family, may your mercy and love soften their hearts and let aside their selfishness and pride. May your tender mother´s example be the guide to generous love between spouses and for their children. Amen

Prayer 2023-05-20 17:19:26

May you please pray for my father Viktor, he will have control medical tests in May, after oncology. And that everything will be good with dad's stomach, that my father with a stomach would not have problems.Thank you very much!!