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Prayer Requests




Intercessory prayer is one of the most frequent forms of prayer. In the Gospel Jesus tell us; “Ask and you shall receive…”. In this section, you are invited to share your prayer intentions. They will be conveyed to the cloistered community of the Recluses missionnaires de Montréal, who are committed to carrying them in their contemplative prayers, every day!

We also invite you to pray for one another’s intentions! Do not hesitate to support your neighbor through prayer, while indicating that you are praying for them.  Simply click on the “pray” icon to let them know of your support!


Prayer 2022-06-16 4:19:22

Please pray for me, Derek Gerard Solomon.
I'm suffering persecution.

Prayer 2022-06-13 0:26:48

May our ever forgiving Father have mercy on all soldiers fighting for peace in a world seemingly gone mad. Lord, fill us with your grace and reveal to us anything we can do to bring a greater semblance of peace to our communities, neighbors, cities, towns or anywhere else we may be a light of your love.
In Christ we pray.

Prayer 2022-06-12 21:11:28

To get back together soon with my ex boyfriend, Carl, as a stronger couple. That he can see I truly love him and for his well being.

Prayer 2022-06-12 9:21:39

Shalom. Hello dear church,

Pray for Bingol City to open up new churches and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God bless you for your prayers. Amen!

Prayer 2022-06-11 21:28:54

Please pray for me to be fine without Alison, my foster mother, and her family who beat me and make me homeless. They are all bad people.

Prayer 2022-06-11 11:58:45

Dear God, please pray for conflicts between husband, wife, mother in law, brothers & sisters. Please, let's pray Hail Mary that she will help put peace in our families & also help all my families & friends with all their battles & struggles that we are going through. God will help us all & give us strength. God bless everybody. Thank you.