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Prayer Requests




Intercessory prayer is one of the most frequent forms of prayer. In the Gospel Jesus tell us; “Ask and you shall receive…”. In this section, you are invited to share your prayer intentions. They will be conveyed to the cloistered community of the Recluses missionnaires de Montréal, who are committed to carrying them in their contemplative prayers, every day!

We also invite you to pray for one another’s intentions! Do not hesitate to support your neighbor through prayer, while indicating that you are praying for them.  Simply click on the “pray” icon to let them know of your support!


Prayer 2021-04-27 2:56:51

Please pray for me Derek Gerard Solomon
I’m suffering Persecution
St Michael Archangel protect us
St Gabriel Archangel protect us
St Raphael Archangel protect us
Father Son Holy Ghost Amen
St Joseph pray for us

Prayer 2021-04-25 18:58:14

My son suffers from a neurological disorder and some other health issues. I worry for him so much, including his ability to live a happy and productive life. I also worry that he is at high risk of suicide, knowing that he has seriously contemplated it. Please pray that he will be ok, and that I can perhaps get some sign of this so I don't worry quite so much.

Prayer 2021-04-23 2:14:40

Please pray for Miguel, Luz, Sonia, Joel, Jose, Oscar, Betty, Noe, Waldo, Cesar, Carlos, Clemen, Pancho, and Moises, place this petition before the Blessed Sacrament.

Prayer 2021-04-22 17:18:58

“Eternal Father, I offer you You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.”
“For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world.”
Jesus, Please Fix Everything.
Jesus, I Trust In You!

Prayer 2021-04-20 15:42:34

I would appreciate prayers for my sister Alice who is suffering from cancer for her physical, spiritual and emotional healing and for iiner healing for her family as well.

Prayer 2021-04-19 13:37:38

please pray for animal friends community to solve the problem with tehs ghelter for 3 poor cats who can die on the street. Pray for many volunteers to offer a temporary home for thes epets. Thanks