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September 14, 2018

It was in a cathedral surrounded by a construction zone that the Church of Montreal’s missionary launch took place. In the midst of orange cones, the bishops sent the faithful out on Mission!

September 9, 2018

For its 100th anniversary, the parish has been bedecked with the nicest finery and Archbishop Christian Lépine came specially to presides a colourful celebration!

June 2, 2018

On June 2, Bishop Alain Faubert and about sixty people reflected on the pastoral of baptism.

May 31, 2018

On Thursday, May 31, hundreds of people responded to the call of the Archbishop of Montreal inviting us to participate in the Mass and Procession of Corpus Christi in the streets of the city! What a moment!

May 22, 2018

A brand new look for the oldest church of Montreal, establish in 1751. The Visitation-de-la-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie, build on the border of Rivière-des-Prairies, allows the wonders of its origin to be discover.