Appeals on Climate Change

(CCCB) Preparing the way for the 21st United Nations Conference on Climate Change to take place in Paris, November 30 to December 11, 2015, several initiatives and statements have been made public by Church leaders and various groups working in partnership with the Bishops.
The Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, O.M.I., Bishop of Hamilton and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), signed a joint appeal by representatives of the world's regional groupings of Episcopal Conferences which was addressed to the negotiators who will participate in the Paris conference. Bishop Crosby also stressed concerns about climate change in his letter of congratulations to the new Prime Minister of Canada on November 4. The President of the CCCB signed, this past September, a joint statement as well with other faith leaders in Canada, "On Promoting Climate Justice and Ending Poverty in Canada". A petition by the Global Catholic Climate Movement is currently being circulated around the world and has received the support of Pope Francis and the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC). The Global Catholic Climate Movement is promoting prayer for the Paris climate change conference. Information on "#Pray4cop21 prayer chain" is available at
The 2015 Fall Education and Action Campaign of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) focuses on "Creating a Climate of Change". In addition, Development and Peace is supporting a national march to raise awareness on climate change. A coalition, involving the Global Catholic Climate Movement, and other agencies, is organizing the march in the nation's capital and in other cities across Canada on November 29, the eve of the global climate conference in Paris.
Link to the Encyclical of Pope Francis on care for our common home
Link to the joint appeal by the regional groupings of Episcopal Conferences
Link to the petition
Link to the CCODP 2015 fall campaign
Link to the national march on November 29
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