
Inviting all young people 13 to 35 years old to participate on November 4, and share their thoughts in a special forum designed to encourage an interactive dialogue among young people and our Catholic Church.

The Mission Jeunesse Forum is a response to the invitation of Pope Francis to reach out to teens and young adults to prepare for the upcoming Synod in 2018. It seeks to address current issues that affect young people and provide them with an opportunity to be listened to as they express their thoughts, criticisms, dreams, desires, hopes, regrets and challenges.

Organized by young people, the Mission Jeunesse Forum provides a space for young people to do just that through dynamic and interactive activities, witness talks, time of prayer and worship.

For whom?

The Mission Jeunesse Forum is meant for all young people, as Pope Francis said: 

"Even young people who consider themselves agnostics; whose faith is lukewarm; who no longer go to Church. Even young people who consider themselves atheists. ...This is the Synod of young people and we want to listen to one another. Every young person has something to say to others. He or she has something to say to adults, something to say to priests, sisters, bishops and even the Pope."


To address together the following foundational issues raised in the preparatory document of the Synod:

  • How can young people resist these two extremes of being against the Church or living without the Church but choosing instead to be within the Church, actively participating in her life?
  • How can they seek and find God in the people, events and experiences which they encounter and embark on a communal and mutual path of human, spiritual and cultural growth?

Where and when?

Saturday, November 4, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Grand Seminary of Montreal
Price: 25$/particpant, meal included.