Mass to Ask for the Grace of a Happy Death

In anticipation of the feast of St. Joseph, patron saint of a happy death, Archbishop Christian Lépine invites the faithful of the Montreal Diocese to a mass where one can entrust the moment of one’s death to God through the intercession of St. Joseph, known as the patron of a happy death.
Saturday, March 16, 2024, at 10:30 a.m.
at Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral
Livestreamed on the Diocesan YouTube channel
We invite you to pray with us to Saint Joseph that the moment of our death and the death of those we love may be lived in hope as offering to God the Father, and that those approaching death may be accompanied in hope and in charity.
With the rise of euthanasia, promoted in Quebec under the name "Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD))," let us follow our Lord who said, “I am the resurrection and life” (Jn 11:25). Let us choose life and hope!
Here are some resources in English to learn more about the Catholic view on end of life:
- Palliative Care at Crossroads: When Faith and Legislation Meet: Declaration of Archbishop Christian Lepine after the filing of the appeal in Superior Court, which seeks to suspend this new obligation arising from the amendment to the Act respecting end-of-life care and other legislative provisions, SQ 2023, c. 15 (the new Act), effective since December 7, 2023, which has regretfully prohibited palliative care homes from excluding "medical aid in dying" from their services.
- Witnesses to Hope : YouTube playlist, Église catholique à Montréal
- Encounters of Hope Webinars, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Catholic Parishes on Palliative Care, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
For more information, please contact us at or 514 925-4300, extension 206.
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