Community clergy supper before Chrism Mass

For priests, members of the permanent diaconate and their wives.
Each year, Holy Week provides us with a unique opportunity to express gratitude to the Lord for bestowing upon us the closely interconnected sacraments of the Eucharist and Holy Orders, and to extend our appreciation to all those whom the Lord has called to serve the People of God as bishops, priests, and deacons.
On Wednesday, March 27, this year, prior to the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral, we hosted a supper for priests, deacons and their wives, made possible through the generosity and assistance of many individuals.
Approximately 150 people attended the supper, and we were supported by around twenty volunteers who assisted with setting up the venue, welcoming guests, and serving them. Additionally, several individuals contributed by preparing desserts. To cover the expenses of the buffet, we received a donation from the Vocations Department of the Diocese of Montreal.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the priests of our diocese, as well as to the deacons and their wives, for their presence and participation.
A special acknowledgment goes to all the volunteers who contributed in various capacities to ensure the success of this cherished event.
May Christ, the Good Shepherd, continue to guide us on our journey.
Fr. François Charette
Director, Office for Pastoral Personnel
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