
Montreal's Marie-Reine-du-Monde Cathedral Basilica was the scene of a landmark event on Friday, September 13, 2024. While the mild evening weather might have been conducive to terrace gatherings, it was a different kind of communion that drew a diverse assembly to this iconic venue. On the eve of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, the launch of the pastoral year breathed new life and hope into Montreal's Catholic community. 

The event, under the banner of “synodality,” brought together an impressive array of participants: archdiocesan staff, clergy, representatives of religious orders and lay communities, as well as many faithful involved in parish life. This diversity perfectly reflected the spirit of unity and collaboration at the heart of the Church's mission. 

The evening unfolded in the presence of our Archbishop, Christian Lépine and Father Charles Langlois, PSS, Episcopal Vicar. It was informative, prayerful and joyful. The animation by Auxiliary Bishop Alain Faubert, recently appointed to the episcopal see of Valleyfield, and Sabrina Di Matteo, a doctoral student in Religious Studies at Laval University, captivated the audience. Their approach, blending humour and symbolism, allowed them to tackle profound subjects with a light touch, perfectly illustrating the challenges and aspirations of the contemporary Church. 

The skilfully orchestrated program alternated between moments of meditation and short interventions that imparted information. Inspiring biblical readings (read by Deacon Tony Rettino and SASMAD leaders) were interspersed with moments of congregational singing led by the beautiful voice and excellent piano skills of Elisabeth Vachon, holder of a Master's degree and D.E.P.A. in violin performance from the Université de Montréal. Short presentations were made by those engaged in promoting synodality and the well-being of the archdiocese (members of the Synod Steering Committee and the Diocesan Pastoral Council, representatives of different cultural communities and staff members from various diocesan offices and services).  A brief small-group discussion encouraged those present to share personal experiences and stimulated the creativity of participants. This varied structure kept the audience engaged throughout the evening, creating a reflective yet convivial atmosphere. 

Friday evening's focus on the priorities for the coming year attracted a great deal of interest. Representatives of the Diocesan Pastoral Council presented an ambitious plan, touching on crucial aspects of church life: strengthening links within the archdiocese, opening up to the outside world, improving formation, and sharing best practices. The plan is based upon recommendations received at the Synodal Assembly held on June 15 that was attended by almost a hundred members of the various councils that advise the Archbishop and representatives of various pastoral networks. Martina McLean's speech, highlighting the opportunity offered by the Jubilee Year 2025, underscored the forward-looking dimension of these projects. 

 A highlight of the evening was undoubtedly Bishop Lépine's address. His words, imbued with wisdom and encouragement, resonated in our hearts, assuring us that we are all loved by God and invited to place our talents at the service of Jesus's mission: to share with everyone the blessing he brought us from God, our Father. This unifying message was echoed as the congregation recited the Lord’s Prayer in a variety of languages, uniting their voices in a linguistic diversity symbolic of the Church's universality. 

The ceremony came to a spectacular close on the cathedral steps. Under a starry sky, Archbishop Lépine pronounced a solemn blessing, creating a moment of intense communion between the participants and their urban environment. This powerful gesture symbolized the Church's openness to the world and its willingness to reach out to all. 

Conviviality was not forgotten, with a moment of sharing over refreshments in the vestibule, allowing participants to exchange impressions and forge links. 

This memorable evening, combining spirituality, reflection and fraternity, marked the start of a pastoral year full of promise. It demonstrated the Church's ability to renew itself while remaining faithful to its mission, offering an inspiring vision of the future to all present. 


Susan Brown and Fabrice Vaussenat
Diocesan Steering Committee

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