<p>The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and the Acts of the Apostles count Bartholomew as one of the 12 apostles, associating his name with Philip. John's gospel links the name Nathaniel with Philip and never mentions Bartholomew. Apart from that, we know little about him.</p>
<p>In dealing with this mystery, some scholars identified the apostle Bartholomew with Nathaniel, a solution supported by the fact that Bartholomew could be a surname ('bar Tolomai,' son of Tolomai) and Nathaniel a given name: Nathaniel Bartholomew. If this is so, then Nathaniel was the man in whom the Lord saw 'no guile' and one who was among the apostles when the risen Lord appeared by the Sea of Galilee. However, many Church elders rejected this explanation and legends abound.</p>
<p>What is certain is that Bartholomew left everything to follow Jesus, becoming his disciple, his intimate friend, and an apostle entrusted with the continuation of his mission.<br /></p>
<p>©2011 <em>Living with Christ, </em>Novalis - Bayard Press Canada Inc., <strong>http://www.livingwithchrist.ca/</strong>. Reprinted with permission.</p>