<p>Early Roman Christians celebrated on this day a feast in honour of their departed loved ones, including their predecessors in the faith, Peter and Paul. When, in the 4th century, the feast of these two saints was moved to June 29th, this day in February focused on celebrating Peter and his successors as bishops of Rome and expressing our gratitude for their service.</p>
<p>"To celebrate the 'Chair' of Peter - the symbol of his authority and of the evangelical teaching that he, as successor to the Apostles, is called to protect and transmit to the Christian community - means giving it a strong spiritual significance, and recognizing therein a privileged sign of the love of God, the good and eternal Shepherd who wishes to unite the whole of his Church and lead her along the way of salvation... As the Father of the Church Saint Jerome writes: 'I follow no leader save Christ, so I consult the Chair of Peter, for this I know is the rock upon which the Church is built'." (Benedict XVI)<br /><strong><br />©2011 <em>Living with Christ, </em>Novalis - Bayard Press Canada Inc., <strong>http://www.livingwithchrist.ca/</strong>. Reprinted with permission.</strong></p>