World Day of Migrants and Refugees
In preparation for World Day of Migrants and Refugees in January 2015, there will be a special sensitization evening to help us better understand our biases and prejudices so as to better encounter the Stranger, the Other. It will be held at St. Monica’s Parish on Nov. 26, at 7 PM.
It will be an opportunity to get to know and understand the realities that migrants and refugees arriving and living in our neighbourhoods, schools and workplaces face, and the different statuses? We will also raise our awareness of the feelings and thoughts and challenges in our encounters, theirs and ours. What does Pope Francis have to say to us about our role as Church in our relationships with migrants and refugees ?
The 101st World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated January 18, 2015.
For info and to sign up, call Emily Pace at 514-925-4300, ext 257 or Deacon Michael Di Girolamo at 514-797-7051.
Read the Message of Pope Francis
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