Michael Czerny on the "Laudato Si'" encyclical

(CRC) As part of its JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation) activities in Quebec, the CRC organized, on September 28, a public lecture around Pope Francis' encyclical letter "Laudato Si'".
The CRC was pleased to invite Father Michael Czerny, SJ, a member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace to give this lecture. More than 80 people came to hear Father Czerny speak on environmental issues. After putting into context the encyclical letter and the assessments which led Pope Francis to make the World more aware of the care for Creation, Fr. Czerny gave some useful insights for reading, understanding and living the encyclical. "Dialogue on the care for Creation is fundamental, a dialogue that takes into account all the different perspectives" he said. Also, contemplation can help us change the way we consider the Creation. Earth is part of us and not just an object that provides us unlimited resources.
Several members of local and national organizations including the Diocese of Montreal, Green Churches Network, and Centre Justice et Foi were present in the auditorium of the Institut de pastorale des Dominicains. They were able to take part in the conference by sharing with the Assembly on they have accomplished so far to care for Creation.
Michael Czerny has also insisted on the essential role played by public and political authorities in Environment protection. Benefiting from a little coverage in media, signatories to The Paris Agreement on climate will gather together in Marrakech (Morocco) from November 7 to 18. This international gathering will be aimed at achieving the priorities of The Paris Agreement, especially related to adaptation, transparency, technology transfer, mitigation, capacity building and loss and damages.
In line with the theme of the conference, attendees have been invited to the launching of the Dialogue guide for Laudato Si' (produced by the Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice) which will be held October 18 at the Maison Bellarmin (25, Jarry West Street) in Montreal from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
To download the presentation of Michael Czerny, click here (in French only)
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