The statue of Our Lady, Help of Christians returns

The splendid statue of Our Lady, Help of Christians that had stood on the pediment of the Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel since 1887 is back in its place of honour, after receiving much loving attention from the Centre de conservation du Québec since 2013.
This icon of the city's historic district was commissioned from the workshop of Louis-‐Philippe Hébert, where the famous sculptor worked alongside his acolytes, Gratton and Laperle. The well-‐known statue of the Virgin and Child has undeniable heritage value. To our knowledge, it is a very rare if not unique example in Montreal of a lead-covered wooden statue made as an exterior ornament.
This major restoration was required because of the advanced state of decay of the statue's wooden core, the large number of damaged seams and joins in the lead overlay and the need to completely replace one of the Virgin's hands. The Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel received funding from the Conseil du Patrimoine religieux and support from a number of private donors for the work.
During this special year when we are celebrating Montréal's 375th anniversary, Executive Director Jean-Pierre Bélanger emphasizes "We are happy to join the Montreal Archdiocese, which wants to remind people of the central role played by Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys in the city's very earliest days, and we invite Montrealers to come admire a key piece in our religious heritage."
The statue will be blessed by Archbishop Lépine, in front of the Chapel on April 22, at 10 am. The celebration is to be attended by special guests.
All are welcome!
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