Statement of the Archbishop of Montreal, Most Reverend Christian Lépine In support of vaccination

As the vaccination program continues in Quebec and across Canada, it is necessary, I feel, to assess the situation and to shed some light on ethical considerations regarding COVID-19 vaccines.
As far as the Catholic Church in Montreal is concerned seeking to be vaccinated, particularly in the context of the current pandemic, is a charitable act that recognizes the need to contribute, along with the general population, to public health.
Given the current public health emergency, believers can, in good conscience, be inoculated with any of the authorized vaccines.
Today, March 11, 2021, is dedicated to the memory of the victims of COVID-19, and as Pastor of the Catholic Church in Montreal, I encourage the population to get vaccinated.
With the feast of St. Joseph just days away, we join together to seek his intercession as we pray for an end to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Please be assured that I keep all of you – clergy, lay Catholic faithful and the general population – in my prayers.
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