Saint du jour

Saint Peter and Saint Paul

<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 4pt 0cm 0pt;">These two apostles, both martyred in Rome according to early tradition, have been honoured from earliest days. Peter, a Galilean, was a married fisherman, chosen by Jesus to be his disciple. After Simon confessed that Jesus was the Christ, Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">Petros</em>) and told him that it was on this rock (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">petra</em>) that he would build his Church.

Saint Isidore

<p>Isidore was born of a noble family and was the brother of three saints, one of whom he succeeded in the See of Seville. His brother Leander educated Isidore, apparently with great success since Isidore became one of the most learned men of his time.</p>

Saint Philip Neri

<p>Philip Neri was born in Florence in 1515 and educated by the Dominicans. He experienced conversion at the age of 18 and left for Rome where he lived a life of seclusion and poverty. He studied philosophy and theology for three years before choosing to re-evangelize Rome where Christianity had declined and was sadly in need of reform. He spent his days talking to people about God's love, and his nights in prayer.</p>

Saint Augustine of Canterbury

<p>In 596, Pope Gregory the Great sent Augustine - prior of St Andrew's monastery in Rome - and about 40 monks to evangelize England. The group was well received by King Ethelbert of Kent, who later became a saint himself. Augustine was soon made bishop and instructed to develop a hierarchy for England and to substitute Christian feasts for pagan celebrations. Apart from the Welsh refusal to accept either Augustine or the Roman traditions he proposed, the mission was successful.</p>

Visitation of Mary

<p>This feast, which commemorates the meeting between Mary and Elizabeth, has been celebrated in the Roman liturgy since the 8th century. Found in Luke's Gospel, this event is one of rejoicing in the wonders God has done, as both the barren Elizabeth and the Virgin Mary find themselves with child.

Saint Romuald

<p>Born into a family of the dukes of Ravenna about the year 950, Romuald founded the Camaldolese Benedictines around 1012. The new congregation combined monastic community life with the solitary life of hermits. Romuald practised great austerity as a monk and travelled about Italy founding hermitages and monasteries, giving wise counsel to those who sought him out.