Carlo Acutis: Millennial generation has a Blessed
A member of the Millennial generation, fifteen-year-old Carlo Acutis, will be beatified in Assisi on Saturday. A brief biography recounts how his passion for the Eucharist and internet savvy have left us a tangible connection with him.
Now More Than Ever, Pray for the World!
The pontifical charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is once again inviting parishes, daycares, schools and families to participate in the annual initiative “One Million Children Praying the Rosary” this coming October 18, in Canada virtually at 1pm. The focus of the prayer campaign is worldwide unity and peace. This year provides a very special context, for rarely before has the world seen a healthcare and existential crisis of this magnitude.
The Abbey School of St-Benoît-du-Lac adopts a new method
The Abbey School of St-Benoît-du-Lac normally offered two training courses a year, one each spring and summer but has been forced to cancel the sessions for 2020 due to Covid-19. However, it is re-inventing itself with the use of a new method, offering a session on the subject “Passing our faith on: a challenge!” The course will be given virtually by philosopher, theologian and committed layman Michel Cantin.
Archbishop Lépine issues pastoral letter: Under the “new normal,” an enduring essential: the spiritual
Archbishop Christian Lépine of Montreal issues ninth pastoral letter amid pandemic crisis.
Life and family suggestions for homilies and prayers of the faithful during October 2020
Even during a time of social isolation because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Sunday liturgy continues to offer nourishment for prayer and reflection during the whole week – whether we are meditating on the readings, or participating in a television broadcast of the Mass and making a spiritual Communion.
“Fratelli tutti”: long summary of Pope Francis's Social Encyclical
Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. With an emphatic confirmation of a ‘no’ to war and to globalized indifference.
An update of the mass Schedule at Mary Queen of the World cathedral in Montreal
Following the announcement earlier this week regarding the celebration of Mass in English at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral, we now present the full schedule of masses (in both languages) beginning Sunday, October 4.