The healthcare system pays tribute to a priest
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of Quebec’s first CLSCs. In tribute to its founders, the CIUSSS in Quebec, the CIUSSS Centre-Sud de l'Île de Montréal, will unveil a commemorative plaque this fall at the CLSC Ville-Émard-Côte-Saint-Paul.
Sister Violaine, a sister for everyone!
It’s been over a month since Violaine Paradis took her perpetual vows and became Sister Violaine of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame. Here she talks with us about her experiences during the ceremony of her profession of vows ‘‘for life’’ and what has happened in the month following that ‘‘great moment.’’
Missionary Month 2021: Charity and Solidarity
As we approach October 1st, beginning of Missionary Month and Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Patroness of Missions, Canadian Catholics – and all men and women of good will – are invited to (re)discover, to celebrate and to support missionary activity throughout the world in favor of those who are most in need.
Investiture of the Canada-Montréal Lieutenancy 2021
The ceremonies of the Vigil and Investiture of the Canada-Montreal Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem took place on September 25 and 26, 2021 at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral. Both ceremonies were presided by the Most Reverend Christian Lépine, KC*HS, Grand Prior and Archbishop of Montreal, and were broadcast live on the Cathedral's YouTube channel, as well as on the Lieutenancy's Facebook page. (Lieutenance Montreal-OESSJ).