
Since 2008, the Assembly of Quebec Catholic Bishops has invited parishes and parish clusters to dedicate a Sunday in September to highlight the contribution of catechesis to the life of the community. The date suggested for this year is September 24, 2017.

The theme this year is inspired by the provincial symposium on Christian life formation: At the heart of faith... mission! For the President of the Assembly of Quebec Catholic Bishops, Bishop Paul Lortie, this theme echoes the following statement made by Pope Francis: "The Gospel joy which enlivens the community of disciples is a missionary joy" (EG 21).

This theme, as Bishop Lortie explained it, reminds us of the importance of our mission as the disciples of Christ, in our families, workplaces, leisure activities and everyday preoccupations.

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is producing English material for celebrating Catechetical Sunday.