"142 Adult Confirmands Answer the Call: A Day to Remember at the Cathedral"

On St. Patrick's Day, a meeting/celebration with our Archbishop Msgr. Christian Lépine was held at Marie-Reine-du-Monde Cathedral for adult confirmands and for those requesting full communion. A record high number of 142 adult confirmands answered the call!
In our diocese, adults and teenagers over the age of 14, celebrate their Confirmation every year. Christians baptized in another denomination ask to enter the full communion of the Catholic Church. All these requests are a sign of the Holy Spirit's action in the 21st century and challenge the Church by reminding us of the essentials of our mission as baptized Christians.
Beginning at 2:30 p.m., those accompanying the candidates had half an hour to introduce their candidates to the archbishop for a more personal encounter.
This was followed by a time of prayer and listening to the Word.
Archbishop Lépine gave a teaching/meditation on "The joy of being a Catholic Christian today". Subsequently, he answered questions asked by the participants, humorously saying that he did not have all the answers!
Each confirmand or candidate for full communion was given a small wooden cross, the outward sign of their adherence to Christ the Lord and Saviour. Archbishop Lépine concluded by blessing the crosses and the assembly.
As the encounter came to an end, joy was evident on everyone's face. Many shook hands and took photographs with our Archbishop. A real memorable event!
Johanne Egglefield (Translated by Rosetta Staltari)
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