2017 Annual Campaign results to date

Thanks to your great generosity and solidarity, the Annual Collection, launched on April 23, has already raised $1,150,000.00! There is still time to donate!
In addition to raising the funds required for faith education, the campaign gives us the opportunity to remind the public of the Church's presence and involvement in society.
This year, our long time collaborator, Dentsubos agency, has created a campaign based on the 375th anniversary of Montreal, highlighting the spiritual dimension of our city's origins and its history.
The campaign is still on for several more weeks. The deadline for tallying your donations is June 30, 2017. Last year, we raised over 1.6 million dollars.
You can still make your donation! Thanks to you, we can continue proposing Jesus Christ today.
Slideshow of our advertisements over the years
Our 2017 Radio Ad
Letter from the Archbishop for the 2017 Annual Collection
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