2017 Neophyte Mass

On Sunday, May 28, about 40 newly baptized Christians and adults celebrating the first anniversary of their baptism attended the Neophyte Mass. Report by Lamphone Phonevilay, responsible of the Catéchuménat de Montréal.
During their baptism at the Easter Vigil, a white garment was placed on the neophytes to show that they would from then on be covered in the "whiteness" of Christ.
During Sunday Mass, the Archbishop, Most Reverend Christian Lépine, received each newly baptized person individually to remove the white scarf they wore around their necks, a sign of baptism, to clearly demonstrate that from now on, the neophytes are no longer Christians "apart" from the rest, but that they are part of the great family of God's children, and that nothing distinguishes them from the other faithful anymore.
In addition to these neophytes, Most Reverend Lépine welcomed adults that were highlighting the first anniversary of their baptism. As a souvenir of this event, everyone was given a bookmark bearing the effigy of Christ.
During this Mass, the neophytes also had the opportunity to receive communion under both kinds, as they are invited to do in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The parishes are invited to integrate these newly baptized adults by offering them different ways to nourish their Christian faith: Bible groups, community engagement, liturgy, sharing groups, groups for the study and deeper understanding of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and charitable work, etc.
Let's include all of these neophytes in our prayers!
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