On April 22, let us unite for Earth Day!

Do you wish to protect our common home? The Social Action Ministry Office invites us all to take part in various events on Earth Day, recognized by the UN as an international day dedicated to Mother Earth.
April 12, 7 p.m.
The Social Action Ministry Office in Villeray will present the movie La Terre vue du coeur in the basement of the church Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire.
April 22
This year, Earth Day falls on Easter Monday! Christ being resurrected, let us rejoice and praise God for the nourishing earth and for all its creatures; let us pray for those who take care of it, some at the peril of their lives?
The organisation invites the youth to circle National Assembly on April 22, 2019, and to send a strong message to our decision makers: let us stop running in circles!
April 25
The Social Action Ministry Office in Ahuntsic, in Villeray and their partners send an invitation to have a discussion with our decision makers and officials from all political parties, on the subject of the environment. This discussion will be held at 565, Cremazie East, 2nd floor (FTQ), at 7 p.m.
April 27
The movement La Planète s’invite au Parlement calls for a gigantic manifestation. Details to come.
Laudato Si
One can read or revisit the Encyclical Laudato Si from Pope Francis, to explore how to care for our common home – by ourselves or in groups – and to use Lent as an opportunity to keep the discussions ongoing on the topic of ecological conversion.
For more information:
Earth Day
Green Churches Network
Christian prayer on creation (Pope Francis)
Prayer for the earth (Pope Francis)
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