Catechesis Sunday 2024 (year B) - A transforming encounter (Available in French only)

Message from the President of AÉCQ
A meeting that transforms! Every year, with the return of autumn, the whole Church of Quebec is invited to celebrate Catechetical Sunday. On this occasion, believers of all ages are invited to reflect together on the foundations of the Christian faith, with the help of a chosen theme, to better live it through the challenges of everyday life.
In 2024, the theme is “ A transforming encounter ”. But what kind of encounter is it? First and foremost, it's about the interpersonal encounters that punctuate our days. When we really take the time to welcome and listen to each other, something authentic and human has the chance to emerge and touch us. In our hurried world, this is all too rare and infinitely precious. And yet, the Gospels tell us how Jesus met the men and women of his time with care and concern.
The Father's merciful love was revealed in his words and actions. In a similar way, our encounters with others can lead us towards an encounter with the All-Other. Where two or three are gathered in his name (cf. Mt 18:20), the Lord mysteriously becomes present in our midst.
So, Catechetical Sunday 2024 challenges us to take the time to meet one another through all our activities in the Church. In this way, formation in the Christian life enables us to put ourselves at the school of Christ, to better live together with him at the heart of the world.
Happy Catechetical Sunday!
† Martin Laliberté
Bishop of Trois-Rivières
President of the Assemblée des évêques catholiques du Québec
Discover Catechesis Sunday 2024 (Year B) on September 22, the fourth Sunday of the month, organized by Soutien aux catéchètes (SAC). This event invites reflection on the roles of catechists and those accompanying the faith journeys and catechesis for all ages. Resources available in French only.
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