CCCB Releases Statement on Poverty in Canada

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), through the Commission for Justice and Peace, is releasing a statement entitled Poverty in Canada: Ensuring Safe, Secure and Affordable Housing in anticipation of the Third World Day of the Poor to be held on Nov. 17, 2019.
Poverty is a serious issue not only in developing countries, but also in Canada.
The statement presents a brief overview of poverty in Canada today, with a focus on the current housing crisis, and provides a short list of some key Catholic organizations engaged in the alleviation of poverty in our country. Through this statement, the Catholic Bishops of Canada call for collaboration between charitable organizations, all levels of government, and dioceses/eparchies, as well as local parishes, to support individuals who are in need.
Here is the statement entitled Poverty in Canada: Ensuring Safe, Secure and Affordable Housing
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