Celebrate Pro Orantibus Day – A Day for Contemplative Life!
On November 21, the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple, we come together to celebrate Pro Orantibus Day, established by Pope Pius XII in 1953. This special day is dedicated to praying for our contemplative brothers and sisters—monks and nuns—and expressing our gratitude for those who have responded with “Here I am,” to the Lord’s call in the cloistered and monastic life.
The Carrefour Intervocationnel offers a variety of resources (AVAILABLE ONLY IN FRENCH) to help you observe this day:
- Universal Prayer Intentions for your celebrations, allowing us to pray for monks and nuns, for new contemplative vocations, and for those who accompany them on their journey.
- Inspiring testimonials from monks and nuns sharing the joy and depth of their vocation.
- Images and posts ready to be shared on your social media, parish bulletins, and websites.
We invite you to promote this day within your communities, to raise awareness among young people about the values of prayer and hospitality, and to share on social media using the hashtags #ProOrantibus #ContemplativeLife #Vocation #Joy @Carrefourintervocationnel.
May Saint-Joseph, guardian of vocations, watch over all contemplative men and women!
Source: https://www.carrefourintervocationnel.ca/fr/journee-de-la-vie-contemplative
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