Celebrating one year of training for the catechists of Notre-Dame d’Égypte Parish

The training program, which addressed a variety of topics: My faith story; The Bible; Liturgy and Group animation, was led by a team made up of two members from the parish catechetical team - Amira Antoune and Maggy Wassef – and two members from the OFE – Jacques Geleyn and Johanne Petit - along with the assistance of the priest responsible Fr. Émil Bakhoum and Mouhab Meshreki, in charge of parish catechesis.
This brand-new approach enabled the knowledge transfer and animation support for two volunteer catechists, who now in turn can take over the responsibility of training, still with the support of an OFE team member.
The 12 participants who completed the four training sessions during this first year of the program received certificates at the end to attest to their achievements in this positive process of taking charge of catechesis in the parish setting. Meetings had featured times for conversation and sharing and prayer, recharging all participants for the continuation of their mission as catechists.
Johanne Petit
Coordinator, Catechetical services
Office for Faith Education
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