"Daily Bread and the Gift of Forgiveness" — Dr. Josephine Lombardi

Excerpted from On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Lombardi:
“Petition 4. Give us this day our daily bread” (p.63):
1. How do spiritual blessings, word and sacrament, strengthen and encourage you?
2. How does your community address the social needs of its members? Of people in other parts of the world?
3. Think of ways you and your family can contribute to the cause of justice, including religious freedom.
Excerpted from On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Lombardi:
“Petition 5. And forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors ” (p. 85):
1. What is your understanding of forgiveness?
2. Does it help you to see forgiveness as a process?
3. Which areas in your life need more understanding?
4. What do you think about the connection between health and emotions?
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