Decoding love 101

Starting October 23, over the course of three evening sessions, all are invited to explore the key principles of the theology of the body and discover how God’s mysterious plan for our lives is revealed through our bodies and the call to love.
Daily social media, advertisements, and entertainment present us with countless images of sex unhindered by any limits and rules promising happiness and freedom. However, in our experience, we seem to be more confused about sexuality and the relationship between men and women than ever before. Is there anyone who can help us navigate this constant bombardment of ideas and images to develop a mature and free sexuality? Is it possible to be happy today? Is it possible that our desires for love and intimacy are not only good and holy but actually designed by God?
At the heart of the desire to be happy and free
In his teaching on the Theology of the Body, Saint Pope John Paul II spoke to the heart of the desire of young people to be happy and free. He proposes a vision of life and love that can help us navigate the mixed messages we receive today about sexuality and happiness. This exciting vision proposes timeless and profound answers to questions that so many of us have:
► Why were we created male and female?
► Where do we come from and why?
► What is the meaning of life? How do we experience it?
► How can discovering the ‘language of the body’ help me discover the meaning of my life?
► Is the Church’s teaching on sexuality still relevant today?
These dynamic sessions will be led for by graduates of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Katerine Perrault, MTS and Ellen Roderick, PhD. They will be offered in French and English.
Next sessions :
October 23 - 7 P.M.
Octobre 30 - 7 P.M.
November 3 - 7 P.M
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