Development and Peace says goodbye to Fabien Leboeuf, a dear friend and colleague

It is with sadness that Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada has learned of the death on November 2, 2022, of Fabien Leboeuf, a dear friend and colleague who was our executive director from 1996 to 2001. He would have turned 81 this November 29.
“I would like begin by offering my condolences to Fabien Leboeuf’s family for the loss of a great man,” said Carl Hétu, executive director of Development and Peace. He added, “I had the privilege of working with Fabien from 1990 to 2001. I can say with certainty that he was a mentor to me and many others because of his intellectual rigour; his spirituality, based on the preferential option for the poor; and his determination. He was blessed with exceptional leadership skills, and no one hesitated to walk with him.”
From the time he was hired in 1976 until his departure in 2001, Leboeuf contributed greatly to Development and Peace’s influence. During his tenure as executive director, he used his extensive knowledge of national and global international cooperation networks and of the Canadian church network for the benefit of marginalized people in the Global South.
“I met Fabien Leboeuf on two separate occasions and was touched by his understanding and his respect for the young members of Development and Peace. I could see the significance he always attached to our members across the country, who constitute an important movement in the Catholic Church,” said Brenda Arakaza, president of Development and Peace’s national council.
As this organization’s leader, Leboeuf worked to promote respect for gender equality; helped secure Development and Peace’s membership in the Caritas Internationalis network; participated in a reorganization of Canadian ecumenical coalitions for social justice; implemented a fundraising team that went beyond the traditional Share Lent campaign; and developed new communication avenues to raise our profile among Catholics and the wider public.
“I sincerely believe that Fabien gave Development and Peace a second wind during its 30th anniversary,” Hétu concluded. “At the time, we were going through our first major identity and financial crises. Fabien modernized the organization and prepared it for the 21st century.”
Before he was appointed executive director, Leboeuf had been the Canadian programs coordinator (1976-1981); the education and fundraising programs coordinator (1981-1986); a research and documentation officer (1986-1991); and the director of the international programs department (1991-1996) at Development and Peace. After his executive director’s term, he served as a consultant and advisor. In 2017, he also participated in the production of Jubilee: 50 Years of Solidarity, a book published to commemorate Development and Peace’s 50th anniversary.
About Development and Peace
Development and Peace — Caritas Canada is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada. It works in partnership with local organizations in over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin American and the Middle East to create greater justice in the world and to act in solidarity with the most vulnerable people.
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