Divine Renovation's Online Event: From Decline to Revival - Charting a Path Forward

Pastors, diocesan staff, and ministry leaders across Canada share a common desire to reverse the Church's statistically alarming decline.
Externally, the Church grapples with closures, dwindling vocations, and the culture’s waning acceptance of Christian values. Internally, this decline fosters a sense of hopelessness and concern among leaders in the Church today.
The call is for every parish to establish a new path forward, grounded in mission and evangelization, to help more people experience Jesus personally and enter the sacramental life of the Church.
To confront these challenges together, Divine Renovation invites you to this year’s DR Online Connect: Canada event, From Decline to Revival: Charting a Path Forward on Thursday, May 30 where you will:
- Connect with fellow mission-inspired Canadians for a 90-minute conversation
- Learn from Fr. James Mallon who will share effective strategies to guide parishes in transitioning from maintenance to mission
- Be inspired by a parish who will share how they’ve been able to defy the trends
- Engage in dialogue and prayer with each other
- Take your next step in contributing to the Church's revival and growth
Register today!
Link: https://mailchi.mp/divinerenovation/june-14158531?e=0c922ead4d
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