Embarking on the Mission together

Archbishop Christian Lépine extends an invitation to all the People of God to make, together with him, a missionary shift, which will be launched Friday, September 14 on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, at 7:30 p.m. at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.
Dear People of God,
The Church is called to undergo continual renewal in its efforts to help all people experience a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, which it does by being attentive to the joys and concerns of men and women today. John the Baptist himself calls us to conversion and to welcome the Kingdom of God as revealed to us in Jesus Christ.
Each and every one of us is called to walk in hope, because the Lord is with us every day until the end of the world. To present Jesus Christ to the world together, we are being called to undergo a missionary revival, beginning with a spiritual transformation of our parishes in collaboration with other partners dedicated to evangelization, active in our own neighbourhoods, the diocese and the Church.
A call to action
The reality confronting the Church today offers both a challenge and a blessing. We, as the People of God, are beginning to work earnestly on renewing our own life in Christ as well as our way of proclaiming the "Joy of the Gospel". It is a great project, in which we become rooted in the mystery of God, grow in communion, and serve the Church and her mission in the world. We are part of one and the same family. It is the entire Church - in which each baptized and confirmed person is a missionary disciple - that is missionary. Together, all of us are called to work in communion with one another for the mission, according to our own vocation.
"How is that going to happen?"
It is absolutely essential to pray both personally and as a community. We also need to gather together, invoking the Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts to listen to God, to work together trustingly to see clearly the state and potential of our buildings, properties and resources to discern better and to serve better. May the Holy Spirit guide us on the path of our mission during the meetings that will take place at the local level and with individuals!
First invitation: Come to the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Friday, September 14at 7:30 p.m. at the Cathedral: it will be a great evening of prayer, songs and testimonies, with the presentation of diocesan awards of merit. Together, we will embark on the road to be the Church that God wants in Montreal.
The feast day mass for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross will be celebrated at 5 p.m. for all who are able to attend.
We have received much. Let us build on our heritage.
It is Jesus Christ who, "lifted up from the earth," beckons us. It is to Jesus Christ, Crucified and Risen, that we are called to lead all of humanity.
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