End Human Trafficking - A Commitment for All

This initiative comprises a series of 10 radio programs in Spanish bridging Canada from Toronto to Latin American radio stations, addressing the issue of human trafficking. This crime affects individuals worldwide and poses a serious problem in Latin America.
As the Diocese of Montreal, represented by Alessandra Santopadre, Assistant at the Office of Cultural and Ritual Communities and Responsible for the Refugee and Asylum Seeker Sponsorship Program at the Archdiocese of Montreal, we are dedicated to participating in every Spanish-language radio broadcast.
The No Deal With Trafficking project embodies a steadfast and ongoing commitment to prevent and combat human trafficking. Exploiting ignorance, human trafficking thrives; therefore, awareness is key to preventing victimization. Disseminating information in migrants' and refugees' countries of origin is crucial for prevention, as it is there that the initial criminal actions take root. Embracing diverse formats and strategically collaborating with various broadcasting platforms will significantly enhance collective awareness and prevention efforts.
To know more:
For Freedom Christ has Set us Free: Pastoral Letter on Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Canada
- https://www.cccb.ca/announcement/2021-pastoral-letter-on-human-trafficking-and-sexual-exploitation-in-canada/
- https://www.cccb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/CCCB-Human-Trafficking-Pastoral-Letter-2021-1.pdf
On 22 November 2021, the CCCB Commission for Justice and Peace released a Pastoral Letter entitled For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free: Pastoral Letter on Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Canada. The letter draws attention to the inherently exploitative and abusive nature of the purchase of sex and insists that in order to protect the vulnerable, this practice must continue to be criminalized: “Treating sex as ‘work’ masks the physical, psychological and sexual violence inflicted on the prostituted person. Prostitution involves selling something that by its nature cannot be bought or sold and is therefore inherently exploitative.”
Link to the Pastoral Letter in PDF format
“In 2022, the Archdiocese of Vancouver and the Diocese of Victoria developed a Study Guide entitled Working Towards Freedom to accompany this Pastoral Letter. The Study Guide may be accessed here: https://rcav.org/aht/study-guide”
Documents - Migrants & Refugees Section (migrants-refugees.va)
Pastoral Orientation on Human Trafficking:
The teachings of Pope Francis on migrants, refugees and victims of exploitation.
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