Follow-up to synodal meeting of June 11, 2022

In the fall of 2021, Pope Francis invited all the dioceses in the world to undertake a journey of discernment and reflection on “synodality,” which is the Church “walking together.” All the baptized from all the local churches were invited to participate.
On June 11 in Montreal, a synodal assembly-meeting was the opportunity for our diocese to take an important step forward in this journey. About 30 participants met with the Archbishop, including representatives of the various committees that work under him and certain other members of the people of God, reflecting the diversity of our Church.
The meeting began with a prayer sung to the Holy Spirit, whose presence was felt throughout our conversations! We had very productive reflections on the synthesis resulting from all the contributions that had been gathered.
The three goals that we had set ourselves for this meeting were met: 1. – Confirming the diagnostics pronounced on our diocesan Church’s state of synodal health; 2. – Validating which direction to follow in order to improve our synodal health; and 3. – Identifying how to go deeper into the identification of these diagnostics and what direction to undertake.
We were able to arrive at an assessment of a number of factors affecting the vitality of our diocesan Church. Some important spiritual and social issues were brought up, ways and means that will help nurture growth were considered, and some issues that indicate serious weaknesses were pointed out. It is understood that changes are necessary which will lead towards renewal.
Starting from these premises, we were able to enhance some synodal and missionary directions (steps shown to us by the Holy Spirit to enhance synodal life in Montreal). This fall, these synodal and missionary directions will be shared with the people of God in Montreal.
Please accept our sincere gratitude for your participation and for your constant prayers. Together and individually, we will undergo experiences of conversion, adjustment and evolution in our lives. The Lord himself, however, is at work, and above all where we are weak! May our faith in Him, who inspires and guides us, fills us with courage and hope.
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