"The Four Constitutions of Vatican II"

In preparation for the Jubilee in 2025, the year 2023 was dedicated to Vatican II. The CCCB Office for Evangelization and Catechesis hosted the webinar series titled, "The Four Constitutions of Vatican II," inviting the faithful to reflect on the meaning of these documents for the life of the Church today.
Simultaneous interpretation (French/English) was available for all four sessions of the webinar series and is accessible on YouTube:
- “Sacrosanctum Concillium” — Msgr. Murray Kroetsch, PH, VG
- "Dei Verbum" — Mgr Yvan Mathieu, SM
- "Gaudium et Spes" — Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
- “Lumen Gentium” — Dr. Catherine Clifford, PhD
A reflection guide can be found on the CCCB website here.
Please share the link cccb.ca/vatican2 with your networks!
The Four Constitutions of Vatican II - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cccb.ca)
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