With the Green Churches: Listening to the voice of Creation

September 23, in Montreal, a climate justice demonstration will be held in response to the invitation on the part of the worldwide movement initiated by Greta Thunberg. This event is an opportunity to express our unity as one human family, committed to the protection of our common home.
Are we as the disciples of Christ involved? How?
It is up to each one of us to discern his or her involvement as far as this particular demonstration is concerned, but the social teachings of our Church are clear: the responsibility of addressing climate change and caring for its victims is not optional; it is integral to our mission! The flooding occurring in Pakistan sends an urgent call to prayer and action.
With the publication in 2015 of Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato si’ on caring for our common home, Catholics received an invitation to observe a special “time for Creation,” between September 1 and the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4.
- The Green Churches Network Home - Green Churches distributes some attractive posters and proposes a variety of suggestions for reflection, prayer and active practice.
- Pope Francis has published a message encouraging us to listen to the voice of Creation: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/pont-messages/2022/documents/20220716-messaggio-giornata-curacreato.html
In their commitment to caring for our common home, organizations, businesses, unions and governments respectively employ different terms: they may speak about a ‘just transition’ or an ‘ecological transition,’ about ‘green plans’ or the ‘climate emergency,’ and so on. Naturally! Caring for the earth, our common home, is everyone’s challenge. Only by acting together can we accomplish the transformations that will be essential in passing a healthy planet on to future generations.
For Canadian faith communities and faith based organizations, the movement “For the Love of Creation” proposes some ideas for avenues of collective action, as well as a group spiritual conversation to approach the question of climate change: For the Love of Creation – A faith-based initiative for climate justice. This network identifies connections between the protection of the land and the different treaties established between Canada and the Indigenous peoples. If there exists one area where our much hoped-for reconciliation could take place, it is surely here, addressing the issues of land stewardship and protection.
In Laval, an “inclusive approach toward carbon neutrality and resilience” is being adopted that will transform that city into a net zero emissions community. Students at Laval high schools are proposing ideas for “an eco-friendly school: a vision for the future.” See details (in French: https://www.lavalzen.com/:. Is this an issue that is of concern to your parish youth in high schools? Do they have opportunities to engage in discussions?
Laudato Si 101 is a resource created to assist youth and youth leaders to explore the Pope`s encyclical letter on the environment through short video capsules and fun integration activities (in a group setting or as individuals) that will lead to action. Available in French and English, the project was co-created by Msgr. André Tiphane, priest of Sainte Dorothée, the diocesan Social Action Office (Montreal) and Mission Jeunesse. You can obtain the program and adapt it to your group by contacting Kim Piché, Coordinator, Social Action Office.
Laval is not the only place where net zero emissions community is organizing: ClimAction Lachine has started one; and two more are set to flourish as well: in the district of Ahuntsic-Cartierville and in Assomption and D’Autray RCM. See details here: https://www.pourlatransitionenergetique.org/collectivites-zen/. Perhaps the parishes located in these areas could get involved? Gather the information, name an “ambassador” to keep in touch? The opportunities for participating and becoming involved in co-creation projects are many and varied.
One such opportunity is to participate, or even, to organize a debate with the MNA candidates in your riding: resources available here: https://www.vireauvert.org/en
Let this time for Creation be fruitful!
Louise Royer
Director – Social Action Office - September 2, 2022
P.S. The major flooding occurring in Pakistan - Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) joins effort to help victims of worst floods in 30 years.
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