Letter from Archbishop Lépine to H.E. Bishop Paul-Marwan Tabet following the devastating explosion that hit Beirut

The day after the devastating August 4 event in Beirut, Archbishop Lépine sent a personal letter to H.E. Bishop Paul-Marwan Tabet, the Montreal-based leader of the Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Canada.
Your Excellency,
Having learned yesterday of the devastating explosion that struck Beirut, I wish to express, on my behalf and on behalf of all the faithful of the Catholic Archdiocese of Montreal, our deepest sympathy.
We are all in shock at the scale of the tragedy that affects thousands of people, the city, all of Lebanon and the Lebanese Diaspora throughout the world. We grieve with you in your immense sorrow and assure you of our prayers and solidarity. We remain very close to you, as we know each other personally and our friendship forms part of our lives.
I petition Divine Providence to watch over the Lebanese people and to bring them the needed comfort and support through this ordeal, which only adds to the other issues that threaten security and peace.
May the Lord, Your Excellency, guide you in your mission as Shepherd, through the grace of the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep and who gives his Peace.
With heartfelt concern, may the Holy Spirit keep us ever hopeful.
† Christian Lépine
Archbishop of Montreal
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