
Sunday, November 13, will mark the 6th World Day of the Poor. Pope Francis has published a Message titled “For your sakes Christ became poor (cf. 2 Cor 8:9)”.

Some members of Saint-Esprit de Rosemont parish gathered to read this Message together. Francis directs our attention to the paradox of Jesus’ poverty: his poverty that enriches us. Jesus took on a poverty that liberates, and He invites the Church to liberate humanity from the poverty that humiliates and kills.

This day is an opportunity to celebrate the dignity of the poor, to speak out about our experiences of poverty and to listen to one another. It is a fine occasion to recognize those who are active in many various ways in the battle against the scourge that is poverty: first of all, those who are personally affected by poverty, as well as the individuals working for the various chapters of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, who participate in support and social action committees, in social action – such as parish social action representatives -  resource organizations for welcoming immigrants and international solidarity groups.

On this occasion, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul of Canada proposes two prayers, the first more general and the second concerned with access to housing. The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul of Montreal renews its call for volunteers, appealing to Montrealers for donations and encouraging them to visit its stores. In the English-speaking sector, Catholic Action also provides valuable aid.

Montreal has a tradition marking the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, October 17, sponsored by the Mouvement ATD Fourth World. The movement was founded in Paris and took root in Montreal in 1982. It has been responsible for a vast number of good works in the 40 years it has been present and active here. Congratulations to them and may they continue in the Villeray area, in Montreal and in Canada for many years to come!

This year, at the invitation of Concertation Ville-Émard – Côte-Saint-Paul and ATD Fourth World, people rallied on October 17 at the chalet in La Vérandrye park. The reception was enthusiastic, the testimonials moving and the soup smelled wonderful. In particular, the testimonial of Lydie (not her real name) stood out, describing her experience navigating the labyrinth of social assistance and evictions until, finally, she succeeded in gaining access to the full exercise of her right to food, shelter and security for her family and herself. Yes, extreme poverty exists in Montreal and Laval, but no, it is not inescapable.

Did you realize that poverty is the most common grounds for discrimination in Quebec? The exhibit “Nous – portraits de l’assistance sociale” (Us – portraits of social assistance) recently mounted at the Écomusée du fier monde explores this issue in depth: See their webpage (in French). Those receiving social assistance have now become victims of discrimination and, among other abuses, infringements of their rights. Overcoming false preconceptions is one way of battling poverty… and it is affordable for everyone! In addition to providing information on misconceptions, the ATD Fourth World has posted on its website a study of nine hidden aspects of poverty identified by people who experience it on a daily basis in different countries: Dimensions of Poverty Research: ATD Fourth World.

The annual World Day of the Poor is an opportunity to approach these questions from a Christian perspective. The day itself is always a Sunday, and therefore the date varies, this year falling on November 13.

Broadening our focus:

  • Elsewhere in Canada, the Dignity for All Campaign deserves mention. Several federal MPs from Montreal support this coalition’s demands, and the Catholic Women’s League is a signatory member. For more information or to have your voice included, visit
  • In the world in general, international solidarity is the order of the day! Development and Peace continues its campaign: People and Planet First: a petition urging the House of Commons to adopt legislation requiring the exercise of due diligence respecting human and environmental rights. For further details, visit Some parliamentary representatives in our region have already met with local groups to discuss these issues.

As Pope Francis does in his Message, we conclude with the words of Saint Charles de Foucauld:

“Don't let us despise the poor and little ones...; not only are they our brothers [and sisters] in God but they are the ones who most perfectly imitate Jesus in his outward life […] let us honor them, honoring in them the images of Jesus and his holy parents […] let us remain in that life as poor as he himself remained […] Let us never stop being poor in everything, brothers to the poor, friends of the poor; let us be the poorest of the poor as Jesus was and, like him, let us love the poor and keep them around us.”

By Louise Royer, Social Action Office (Translated by the Archdiocese of Montreal)