McGill's Newman Centre congratulates Director on latest appointment to national ecumenical dialogue

Congratulations to our director, Liam Farrer who was just appointed a full member of The Lutheran Church Canada-Roman Catholic dialogue by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Episcopal Commission for Christian Unity, Religious Relations with the Jews and Interfaith Dialogue. As a full member of the Dialogue, he will be tasked with promoting Christian unity through ecumenical dialogue with the Lutheran Church—Canada on a national level. Commenting on the appointment, our director remarked, “I’m very grateful for the trust that our bishops have placed in me. I hope in exercising this mandate that I can be an example for the Catholic students at McGill on engaging Christians with whom we’re not yet in full communion with fraternal charity, always remembering the advice that the great Jesuit theologian and Doctor of the Church St. Peter Canisius had about ecumenical dialogue; ‘we do not cure patients,’ with polemical attacks, ‘we make them incurable.’”
– Posted May 9, 2024, on social media by the Newman Centre of McGill
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