Participate in the upcoming Synod of Bishops

In order to better proclaim Jesus Christ, Pope Francis is convening a Synod of Bishops, scheduled for October 2018, which will reflect on "Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment". A public consultation is now under way.
This Preparatory Document including a questionnaire which launches the synod's phase of consultation of the entire People of God is now available. Pope Francis proposes a reflection in three steps, beginning with a summary of the social and cultural dynamics of the world in which young people grow and make their decisions and proposes that these be read in the light of faith. The document then retraces the fundamental steps of the process of discernment, which the Church feels is the basic means she can offer young people so they can discover, in the light of faith, their vocation. Finally, the document focuses on key elements of vocation ministry for youth.
The consultation will also include all young people through a website (Rome) with questions on their expectations and their lives. The answers to both series of questions will be the basis for drafting the "work-document" or Instrumentum laboris, which will be the reference point in the discussion of the synod fathers.
You can read and reflect on the questions that are being asked, alone or with others. We would like to receive your input on these issues and the input from collaborators in your parishes who minister to young people 13 -35 years old. This may include members of your baptismal team, anyone involved in marriage ministry, and those who, through catechesis, are in contact with young people. Each person can respond to those questions that are of particular interest to you or to the persons completing the questionnaire.
The delay to receive your answers is short: the summary document of each diocese will have to be prepared by end of October 2017. Considering the summer vacations, we would like to receive the answers before the beginning of July 2017. Your answers and reactions are very important to help better comprehend the problematic and challenges, and better love and serve the couples and the families within God's Plan!
- The preparatory document along with questionnaire is available here
- The questionnaire address specifically to young people (produced by Rome) will be available soon.
For more information please contact Isabel Correa, Director of the Mission Jeunesse Youth Ministry Office at 514-925-4300 ext. 273.
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